Saturday, June 14, 2008

More Melbourne, Rushed

I'm in Sydney, but haven't finished posting Melbourne pictures! Also, I'm in the process of taking pictures here... but yes, I've touched the Opera House. I will post those before I get back to Portland, but I don't know that I'll get it done before I leave tomorrow (Monday) for CA. Anyway:

Honestly, I am pleased with this picture... This is Flinders Street Station again, previously pictured in last post at night.

Victoria State Library, currently home to a Medieval Illuminated Manuscript exhibit, displaying pieces both that belong to the VSL, but on loan from Europe. Liked a lot of the pieces, didn't like the exhibit. The lighting was too low (fellow visitors blocked lighting all the time), the layout was not informative or flowing, and basically I realized I am a total nerd because I was overanalyzing the entire exhibit. I wish my mom had been here with me. And my grandmother (Pat would have had an interesting story about everything).

Federation Square. I think the lights and giant plasma screen and even the weird building in the next picture were part of a centennial thing, haven't checked wikipedia yet. Anyway, the red lines you can see in the sky? Giant rope lights set on chase, so imagine those all flashing and the tv blasting out huge illuminating images of Australians and restaurant ads.

This is from the inside of one of the weirdest buildings I've ever seen... It's something like a museum crossed with a mall crossed with some crazy architects nightmare of triangles, but in the end I kinda liked it... The exit you see center bottom, the wall surrounding it is inflated. Yes, with air. It's like a bouncy castle.

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