Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday night, generally fun....

So, today I actually called a friend and invited her/myself to dinner, and went out with her and another friend. When I met them at the Duomo, a Moroccan was making them some pretty friendship bracelets, and I ended up with this small hair wrap. I did not pay him half as much as he asked when he was done, but that was because I inadvertently left my wallet at home! Ack! Fortunately, upon returning home, I have located it. But, still, I have this hair-wrap that I did not pay full price for :D

Also, spent the night with several different classmates (buono!) and a chunk with a Moroccan (different from the one who I cheated for my hair wrap) who spoke little English... surprisingly rewarding, talking to him.

That is my Saturday night. As written while still intoxicated by the wine, rum, and more wine. A volte, Firenze e molto bello. A volte, sono da solo. Ma, mi piace esssere qui. E una avventura.


Esther Gregory said...

Man I always feel guilty for things like that. Although it has happened to me many times and it's just like oh well I'm not going to go hunt that person down again once I have money on me. Nice hair wrap. Do we not get to here anymore about the boy you danced with? And you should do the "follow this blog" option for my blog, cuz I don't have any followers and it makes me feel sad :-(

sunshinejellyfish said...

Well, perhaps I will write more about the boy I danced with after we go out next weekend with him ;)

He was very excited to dance with my friend and I, and almost sad he was leaving town the next day... But perked up when we suggested we meet next weekend, when he gets back from his trip to Rome. So, we'll see what happens with him.

And, I didn't know how to follow a blog! But, I was following it, old-school style. This might work better than having you bookmarked on my toolbar, because it tells me exactly when and what is new! Yay!

Esther Gregory said...

Oooo sounds exciting...

And the following thing is a new feature. And I didn't really expect you to find it on your own cuz I stumbled accross it, but I really really wanted to have a follower. And now I'm very happy :-D

Although I told Mike to look at my pics of his afghan and leave a comment a week ago... I'm glad I have at least one dedicated blog reader